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During the night we heard the odd noise or two outside – maybe a block moving? maybe a few drops of rain? Nothing to get out of bed and investigate. In the morning all was revealed.

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The weather has been quite benign, with light winds and comfortable temperatures, so we don’t feel in any rush to go home! We left Wineglass Bay and motored south into Mercury Passage, passing Ile de Phoques, with it’s huge seal colonies.

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We left George Town at the almost civilized hour of 06:50, on the outgoing tide, and enjoyed a 2kt push out of the Tamar.

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We enjoyed our stay at the Tamar Yacht Club, sleeping in and eating out. I thought I might get a bit of exercise and ride my folding bike (that we’ve been lugging across Bass Strait and back) to the shops to get some cheese to go with the champagne we’d planned to have in the evening.

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We spent a week happily lounging around, visiting family and friends, and playing with our grandson, but with one eye on the weather forecasts. A 2-3 day window of light winds seemed to be consistently showing for the end of the week, so we gathered up provisions and motored out of of the marina on Thursday morning.

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The wind at Oberon Bay howled all night at 25 kts, gusting to 30, but we managed a reasonable sleep. We got up at 5:15 and set off in the dawn light with the intention of stopping at San Remo, on the eastern side of Westernport Bay.

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I was very pleased to see that my anchor drop the previous day had been accurate and we had indeed dug well about 1m from the small sandy spot I’d aimed at.

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Binalong Bay turned out to be a horribly rolly anchorage, with the swell coming in on our quarter and slapping the hull outside our aft cabin. At midnight we couldn’t take the noise any more and decamped for berths further forward!