During the night we heard the odd noise or two outside – maybe a block moving? maybe a few drops of rain?  Nothing to get out of bed and investigate.  In the morning all was revealed. 

A flock of cormorants decided to use our boat as a latrine!  Aaagggh!  Fortunately for you, dear reader, we forgot to get any photographic evidence before using the deck wash hose to scrub down the deck, the windows, the dodger, and everything else that was covered in white and brown.  Blech!

Cormorants on the boat next to us. We should have been worried!

Once that job was done it was just about 8am and time for the bridge operator to start work, so we dropped the mooring and headed off toward the canal. 

Dunally in the morning sunlight

Swing bridge over Denison Canal

We got through, with just enough water under us on the Norfolk Bay side of the canal to keep afloat.  Then it was a peaceful 5hr motoring trip back to Kettering.

Storm Bay not living up to its name!


Now back to gardening, boat jobs, house jobs, more gardening…  It’s great to be home after a lovely, relaxing trip.

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