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Saturday there was a window to get through the canal and although it meant motoring into 15-20kts of wind and 1.5-2.5m swell we took the opportunity to finally leave Orford!

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We returned to Shelly Beach on Sunday and picked up the public mooring for one night of peace of mind.

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We had a lovely sail up to Schouten Island and anchored in Crockett’s Bay, next to Argos of Sydney.

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We dropped the mooring in Quarantine Bay at 7:45am on Tuesday morning and motored uneventfully to Norfolk Bay.

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Four nights and three days… We got back to Kettering on Thursday afternoon and Anna, our housesitter, drove us home so that we could pick up our car.

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We’d hoped to set off for Port Davey in mid-January, but persistent westerly winds prevented us. Finally, on 22 January we departed Kettering, fully provisioned and fueled, with our friend Lindsay as guest and crew.