We'd made a long-standing promise to our friend Pam to watch the Hobart fireworks from the water with her nephew and his wife who are visiting from the US. 

The forecast was for 10-20kt NW, easing later in the evening, which wasn't ideal, but at least it was warm and no rain.  We set off from Kettering in the late afternoon and motor-sailed up the river in flukey winds, occasionally gusting to 30 kts (one of my favourite wineglasses flew out of the cupboard and smashed when we heeled!)


We anchored just off Battery Point with a great view of the fireworks pontoon and enjoyed some wine and nibbles while an almost full moon lit up the surrounding water.  It was a lovely evening. 


After dropping Pam, Michael and Patty off at the RYCT we decided that it was such a nice night we would sail back to Kettering rather than anchoring near town.  The wind had eased, so we motor-sailed back and tied up in our berth just before 2am.  It was a slow start this morning!

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